Love Dad, Mom, Jonny, Abbey & Jess
Love Dad, Mom, Jonny, Abbey & Jess
The light you left behind in the souls you touched shines a little brighter on your birthday.
Love Always Mom, Dad, Jon, Abbey & Jess
I was recently asked how do I define a full and complete life. It was a deviation from my “normal”. How could someone consider someone’s life that ended in childhood complete. It kept in my mind and I gave it great thought. Being the person that I am and needing to quantify it all somehow, I was drawn to look at this blog and the statistics from the day Faith died. There were a crazy number of visitors to each of the blog entries with the final entry of her life “A Journey’s End” receiving over 2,800 views.
All those numbers and statistics were meaningless when I did something I probably have not done in 10 years. I read the comments for that post. I was most impacted by the following:
How its possible that your heart can break over a child or family you have never met? I am soooo sorry for your loss. There are no words. God bless you all and sweet Faith. love and prayers
I still do not believe I have ever met its author or so many more just like it. So, to answer the question that was put forth to me. Does someone’s life need to be long to be meaningful, No. I know her 8 1/2 years touched so many people she met, and many more she did not. That’s more powerful than the footprint I will leave behind. While in my heart I will never feel it complete, I will never doubt that it was meaningful and impactful.
Her existence was brief. But, much like the first domino in a succession, her impact will be felt far into the future.