- It was decided just as I was about to go home to the other children that it was time to put Faith on dialysis (CVVH). They needed to start yet another central line so now she has one on both the left and right of her neck. Through it blood is both extracted then filtered and then returned. It has two lumens (passageways) so one is in and the other out. The machine she is hooked up to will filter her blood continuously. It may take weeks for her kidneys to heal if ever. We pray they will return to full or partial function and the likelihood is usually high.
- We are going to try to resume our “normal” where one parent stays with Faith 24/7 and the other commutes during school hours so one can always be home for the other three children. It is so very hard being so far away when mere minutes could be life changing. I write this on my first night home in a week at 2:30AM. I cannot sleep nor do I want to. Our daytime nightmare is beginning to enter our sleep.
- We are two days away from our 10th week since Faith became ill and are prepared to push on for 20 more if that is what it takes!
Keeping the Faith!