My day started back here with an urgent return to the PICU at 12:40AM. Faith had a major mucous plug in her ET tube that was not only making it difficult for the ventilator to get her oxygen but required two people to squeeze the AMBU bag to manually ventilator her.
They were able to get it clear but afterwards she would not recover on the oscillating ventilator, her O2 levels were still remaining very low. The decision was that since she responded to manual “bagging” that it may be time to put her back on the conventional ventilator again. They had to start her on VERY high pressures which can cause significant lung injury. Since then they have been able to reduce the pressure more and also the amount of supplemental oxygen she is receiving. So as of 3:00AM we can call her “stable”.
Her blood losses from bleeding around the catheter they are using for dialysis is significant. Since starting she has had to receive 3 units of platelets and now two units of packed red cells. They must keep her blood thinned for two reasons, we do not need further clots and the dialysis circuit will clot with blood also. So far the CVVH/dialysis is working and she is down from 5,000cc (5 liters) of extra fluid to 4,500cc in just a 24 hour period.