We are still here. Faith had a roller coaster ride of a day.
- All over the place today high blood pressure / low blood pressure good saturations
- CT Scan of the brain to rule out bleeds and or trauma from the cardiac arrest was as negative as can be told at this point. We don’t know the extent if any of any brain injury that might have occurred. So far we are positive.
- Faith was moved from a conventional ventilator to an oscillating ventilator. Sometimes seen as a final desperate move by some or in some cases can provide an opportunity for very sick lungs to heal.
- They will be starting a continuous EEG monitor to keep track of brain activity. Two reasons, ensure we still have preserved function and secondly it is not uncommon to have seizures after cardiac arrest. Some are so small you can only see them with an EEG.
The staff here is preparing us for the worse. There are no DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) orders on Faith but we have all agreed that if she should have another cardiac arrest that they cannot resuscitate her in 20 minutes they will have already lost our little girl and no other extreme measures would be taken.
Some might ask how can we even think of this as parents. It’s the role and responsibility we took on when we accepted this child from God to care for them and do what is best for THEM, not US.
We have not lost hope, where there is life there is a chance. It has just been a very difficult 36 hours. We have urgently summoned our children and family here twice during that time because we thought her journey was near its end. We know Faith is still in charge in there because she has been fighting stronger than she ever has.
Every hour that goes by is one more hour towards a successful recovery. Sue and I will stay within feet of her until she is past this latest stumble backwards.
We have super children and they have all been very strong throughout this, I know the pain and worry they feel for their sister and am so proud of how they continue to push through and fight every day for her.